Monday, 28 January 2013

Twisted Twee - Baby Grows with Humour :)

After writing a blog post on unique baby gifts (which you can read here) the lovely Suzi from Twisted Twee kindly sent me one of her unique and funny baby grows. I chose one of the many baby grows that incorporates humour and one that is unisex, not everything for a baby has to be pink or blue!

Twisted Twee is an eccentric company run by Suzi Warren, the website is full of witty comments, interesting items for both children and adults, as well as loads of unique gifts. Once I found Twisted Twee I spent ages exploring the website, it's refreshing to see a website that doesn't follow the conventional layout! You can order directly off the Twisted Twee website or through one of their many stockists (check for your local area here).

The 'Film Buff Stuff' baby grow I chose is one of a range of baby grows with witty quotes from films on. These quotes include: 'I'm Spartacus', 'Nobody puts baby in the corner', 'Be afraid. Be very afraid', 'I fart in your general direction' and 'The force is strong in this one'. I instantly was attracted to this baby grow:

A classic quote from the Jungle Book song 'I wanna be like you' - how brilliant?! It's such an apt saying for a baby to wear too. The baby grow comes in a lovely blue canvas bag, which makes it perfect for giving as a gift. You can order this baby grow in either white, pink or blue, I chose white so that it was unisex. The quality of the 100% organic cotton baby grow is outstanding, so soft to touch.

This baby grow is available in the following sizes: 6 months, 12 months and 18 months. It retails for £16 on the Twisted Twee website, which for a unique item with 100% organic cotton is the the type of price you would expect. A range of Twisted Twee products are available on too.

I would highly recommend Twisted Twee if you want a gift for a baby to be unique, outstanding quality and 100% organic cotton!

Check out their whole range here!

Do you like the baby grows that incorporate humour?

Feel free to leave me a comment below :)


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